Am I Like This? ... Was I Ever Like This?
Alright, here we go. I'm not going to go in to Matt Taibbi's "fall from grace," or whatever the hell you want to call it. (In my own head, I'm rooting that Matt is just trying to keep everybody playing by the same rules - I just don't remember any democrat speaking in such a manner so as to cause a crowd to break into the capitol building.)
This is a weird one to swallow. I sincerely hope someone like Marcy Wheeler takes the time to take down any mis steps that it makes.
My quibble with it? In so much that I have any experience with none of this, but with being in a courtroom solely for automotive traffic violations - dare I say, a lower offense than inciting a riot - my problem is that Matt has critique for how the indictment is written, and that it seems salacious and sophomoric.
As someone who was going 104mph in a 65mph zone to get away from someone riding my ass, let me say that all court documents come off like this. When I read my paperwork, and the highlights of the Trump's indictment, I thought the same thing, "Yeah, they're going to make sure they cover all their bases with anything that could possibly be covered by whatever you did, or didn't do, or they suspect you did, or didn't do."
So, when I read it, I couldn't help but think, yeah, Jack Smith is doing his best to give a run-down of what happened, and when it happened. All while tying it to reasons for illegality. And I don't know how it could be seen any differently.