Customer Representative

A snipped from a Reddit comment I left (regarding a customer service interaction):

Even though customer service is a profession BASED on confrontation, the key for most people on the other side of the phone is to END the confrontation (aka, conversation).

So, even if you're looking for an interaction that could give us all a feeling of "Hey, we're on the same side, we're human," the customer service representative probably feels like it's just a ploy on our parts for a free pass, and they just want to end it before things get really hostile.

I had a similar reaction with a Verizon rep a few months ago. AND, after I made a mistake in some nomenclature, oooooooffff, did it not get better. No matter how much I apologized, and gave the underlying tones of let's do our best to get this interaction done with - nothing could break through the rep's fake-niceness-but-it's-a-shield-for-how-much-they-don't-like-me. In the end, the only thing to help a situation and make the other person feel good is to actually get to the end of the call / interaction.


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